Banned Books Week was celebrated from October 1-7, 2023 with the theme of “Let Freedom Read”. This event was started in 1982 by the American Library Association (ALA) due to a sudden surge in book challenges at libraries, bookstores, and schools. The event, held annually, brings the book community together & celebrates the importance of having free and open access to information.

Recently the ALA released data showing that book bans and challenges are still on the rise. Since these challenges disproportionately target books by or about a person of color or a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, this is a cause that is very important to the LGBTQ+ community, and something all allies should be ready to speak about.
Between January 1 and August 31, 2023, the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) reported 695 attempts to censor library materials and services and documented challenges to 1,915 unique titles.
Artwork courtesy of the American Library Association, www.ala.org
Be Informed
There are several websites that offer information and talking points on this important subject. Here are a few key points from Unite Against Books Bans.org to keep in your back pocket:
Reading is a foundational skill, critical to future learning and to exercising our democratic freedoms.
We can trust individuals to make their own decisions about what they read and believe.
Parents have the right to guide their children's reading, but parents should not be making decisions for other parents' children. Specifically, a small group of parents should not dictate what books other people's children are allowed to read.
Books are tools for understanding complex issues. Limiting young people's access to books does not protect them from life's complex and challenging issues.
Young people deserve to see themselves reflected in a library's books.
Removing and banning books from public libraries is a slippery slope to government censorship and the erosion of our country's commitment to freedom of expression.
Get Involved
For more info, check out the links below:
2023 Preliminary Data from the ALA (courtesy of Unite Against Book Bans.org): https://uniteagainstbookbans.org/ala-releases-preliminary-2023-book-ban-data/?fbclid=IwAR3h8Qmz0MoqIQ54cHBbAbUVO7iNSFRFKS4eiql0qPD51F6Xjb98u_P1z-4