When David Snyder moved to Milan in 2015, he had no idea the impact he would make on the little town that straddles two counties. He came here to help his nephew, who wanted to buy the bakery on Main Street. The bakery did very little business (the yearly sales then equal the weekly sales now) and the building that housed the bakery was decrepit. Snyder’s nephew eventually decided the bakery business wasn’t for him. Meanwhile, David Snyder now had a vision and a mission.

He got busy buying buildings & writing grants. Today, thanks to the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and Michigan State Housing Development Authority, two blocks of Main have been renovated to their 1920's integrity. The ground floors house several small businesses, and the second stories have been refurbished into twenty apartments. The demand for these apartments is great. “I haven’t had a vacancy for more than a day,” Snyder marvels.
The owner of Wabash & Main Real Estate Management and Development, Snyder isn’t finished remaking Milan. Noting that we have the infrastructure to house more people, he wants to work on creating the circumstances to make that happen. Milan is known for being an especially friendly community, & people want to live here, he says, citing how quickly homes sell when they become available.
Entering Local Politics

Snyder’s community involvement quickly led him to begin attending city council meetings. At first, he thought joining the city council would be a conflict of interest. He realized over time that such occasions would be infrequent, and when something did come up, he could recuse himself. In 2023 he began his successful campaign. He visited every neighborhood four times, learning that most folks liked the direction Milan was headed, but wished it would get there faster. He is excited to help make that happen. He took his seat on the council on New Year’s Day, 2024. His goals include creating opportunities for low- and middle-income housing and encouraging more new construction.
Career Roots in Education
Snyder began his career as a middle school English teacher in the Lapeer Community Schools, advising the debate and speech clubs as well as Quiz Bowl. He served on the Chatfield School Board. After teaching for over a decade, he created Travel Adventures, a business that organized trips for groups of students to iconic destinations such as Washington DC, New York, and Chicago. Over forty thousand students enjoyed these trips per year. That business kept him busy for over 20 years, when he heeded the call of his nephew to come help in Milan. By then he was near what some might think would be retirement age, but he wasn’t slowing down. In addition to his development pursuits and his new role on city council, Snyder is beginning his second year on the board of Arts Washtenaw.
In Awe of the Courage of Our Youth
Snyder is honored to be elected to City Council as an openly gay man and feels welcome in our community. He came out in his 50's and was met with support from his family and community. Growing up in the 60's, though, he didn’t feel that it was safe to openly acknowledge his sexuality. He self-censored, remaining closeted for decades. “It’s stunning, really,” he says about the cultural changes of the last thirty years and the courage of LGBTQIA+ youth today.